Tuition at Victory Early Learning Center is figured by program selection. All Holiday closures are factored in the monthly tuition. We do not offer any credits or refunds for days missed.

Our classrooms are open from 7:00am - 5:00pm
A registration fee of $75.00 per child. This is required to hold your spot.
Ask about our Early Bird discounts available.
10% discount is available for those families who pay in full at time of registration.
Multi-Child Discounts available
Church Membership Discounts available- please contact administration office for details
*We reserve the right to place students in the classroom that best fits their needs.
Fine Details:
September tuition is due on September 5th. Thereafter, tuition is due on or before the first of each month. Payments that are not received by the 5th will receive a $10 late fee for each payment is late. We will accept personal checks, money order, cash and credit cards. A returned check (NSF) will be surcharged a $35.00 fee and asked to pay in cash the full amount of the check and the return charge.
Late pick up fee - Parents are expected to pick up their children on time. Children who are picked up after 11:40am will inquire a late pick up fee of $5.00 every 15 minutes late.
*Please note that all financial information is handled directly with our financial specialist. Director and teacher have no knowledge or access to any account payment information
NO REFUND POLICY - Tuition is due each month whether or not your child attended. Whether non attendance is for illness, holidays, bad weather or any other reason, no refund will be given.
WITHDRAWLS - Two weeks written notice must be given if you need to withdraw from the school. Parents are required to pay for those two weeks regardless of when the child stops attending.
DISENROLLMENT - We reserve the right to dis-enroll your child from the center without notice at any time.